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How to install Magento extensions?

Created at: 21 mars 2017 | Updated at: 1 mars 2021

The following steps will work for every Magento extension.

  1. Create backups of the Magento files and the database.
  2. Navigate to “System → Cache Management” and disable all Magento caches.
  3. Navigate to “System → Tools → Compiler” and disable the Magento compiler (if enabled)
  4. If you are currently logged in Magento Admin, please log out.
  5. Put your store in maintenance mode by uploading a file named maintenance.flag to your Magento root directory.
  6. Upload the base directories of the extension (“app”, “js”, ”skin”, ”lib”) to your Magento root directory (merge the directories).
  7. Remove the file maintenance.flag from your Magento root directory
  8. Log in to the Magento admin area again. Your account has now permissions to change the store configuration of the installed extension.
  9. Recompile and turn on the compiler again if it was enabled before the installation. Navigate to “System → Cache Management” and enable all caches.
Categories: Magento 1 / OpenMage
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